Video Production | Slate Videos | Business Videos

The Light Committee also provides related in-studio video production services that generally complement headshot photography. Below is a summary of such services. Individual services pages have some standard pricing for video services. You can save on costs by having a video service as an add-on to a headshot session. Custom pricing is available too. Just contact the studio with details.

Gear Used for Below Video Productions

The below videos are produced in 4K using a state-of-the-art full frame mirrorless camera for television/movie-grade results. This includes studio lighting and commercial-grade audio recording. In addition, it will be processed for editing for final output in 4K UHD format. Other formats are also available.

Be sure to set playback quality below at 4K for the best playback results.

Get an Acting Slate Video for Auditions

An actor slate is loosely defined as a video where the actor introduces themselves and this is commonly part of the beginning of a self-tape but also commonly used as a standalone video in an actor’s reel. It goes alongside getting headshots for acting.

In a slate, there is no one way to do it. It is common to state your name but after that you can also mention things like the city you are located in and more. Some actors might think their slate is just so casting directors can hear their voice, but it is not uncommon for other judgments to also be made, like whether your voice lack confidence, clarity, and so on. So, the quality of the audio and the effort the actor puts forth is important.

Furthermore, it is a good idea to have a full body and close-up shot of yourself in the slate. This is because, again, not all slate requests are the same and some might want a full body shot while others do not request this. Therefore, having both is a good idea. For more on slates, see Backstage.

At The Light Committee, your slate will be produced in 4K using a state-of-the-art full frame mirrorless camera, studio lighting, and commercial-grade audio recording. In addition, it will be processed for editing for final output in 4K UHD format.

Actor Self Tapes

Self-tapes are generally a video recording of an actor performing for an audition so they can submit it to the casting director for consideration. An actor self-tape is in place of doing the audition in person. In most cases, actors will need a reader and The Light Committee is okay with your bringing someone you feel you have chemistry with to act as a reader.

In the studio, we can add a second mic, so the reader is heard as good as you or at a lower volume, if so desired. As with a slate, the video will be produced in 4K using a state-of-the-art full frame mirrorless camera, studio lighting, and commercial-grade audio recording. In addition, it will be processed for editing for final output in 4K UHD format.

Most actors will opt to do self-tapes on their own, with their own gear. So, the service The Light Committee provides here is as back-up. In case you do not have all your own gear, something broke, or it is a very important casting where you want the best results. See more tips on self-tapes here.

The videos above are examples of these.

Content Marketing Videos

Increasingly, content marketing videos are often about questions a non-professional might ask a professional to answer.  For example, what is the best way to make apple pie would be addressed by a baker, perhaps providing a step-by-step video.

But they can also be related content, like what is the average day of a baker? How does someone become a baker? What are the five top things a baker must have in the kitchen, and so on.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are much the same as content marketing videos but more specific. Whereas a content marketing video might literally be any video for the purpose of marketing – from an advertisement to a how-to video – an explainer video is precisely at is sounds, a video that explains something.

Keeping with the baker theme, it might be what is yeast and how is it used, is salt used in baking desserts and when, and so on.

The videos above are examples of these.

Customer or Business Story Videos

From a customer perspective, a customer video is more of a case study. In such videos, it is common to point out a bit about the customer’s background. What issue were they having that led them to your service? How and why did they ultimately select you? How did your service help them? What were the advantages the customer realized? And how did the service solve their problem?

A business story video can take on many more forms. It can be about the founder, about the employees, about the overarching mission of the business and more. But it is generally around a unique selling proposition that helps your business stand apart.

In the studio, this can be done by you telling your story or if you bring a customer, by that customer telling their experience.

The videos above are examples of these. They can be a good added element to getting your headshot photography done.