Actors Share Agent Tips on What to Wear for Actor Headshots

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By The Light Committee

As published on Flux Magazine.

Actors are always in need of a good headshot and part of achieving that goal is considering what to wear for headshots. Over the past couple of years, in collaboration with their chosen headshot photographer, actors have provided lots of tips provided by their agents or managers on what they should wear. This is a collection of some of the most common tips.

A commercial actor headshot of a woman with a cheerful look in a studio near Studio City, California

Use Bright Vivid and Simple Tops

It’s a headshot so, the top you choose will matter. The overwhelming tip actors bring in from their managers is to use bright vivid colors in a top. This tip makes sense. Many times, your headshot is one thumbnail being viewed amongst dozens of others on a computer screen. So, it needs every advantage to pop and compel a click. Continue reading now