Glendale Headshots - Headshots Photos Near Me


It can get confusing trying to find a headshot photographer in Glendale. In the LA area there are more than 1,000 options, according to Expertise.com. Pricing can be highly different, with one photographer charging as little as $50 and another more than $500. With The Light Committee you get great prices, and the studio is in the Glendale area. Get actor headshots or corporate headshots or team headshots at your office.

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men professional headshots outdoors natural light in Los Angeles
Studio in the Montrose Part of Glendale. Get Natural Light or Studio Quality Headshots

Contact The Light Committee

Get in Touch With the Studio

Contact The Light Committee via phone, text, or email now.

The Light Committee is a commercial studio that has been creating actor headshots, and corporate headshots, as well as other one-on-one shoots like senior portraits for years. It is located in Montrose, which is part of Glendale. The studio offers headshots where clients come from all over the city. This includes accountants, attorneys, doctors, psychologists, real estate agents, and many others. The studio also provides modeling digitals for aspiring models and lifestyle photos shoots such as for business environmental portraits, senior portraits, dating profile photos, and more.

When you do your homework on a photographer, start by checking their work. They should have a real website, not just a cloud drive with some photos on it. That website should have plenty of examples. It should also have photos of their studio so you can see for yourself they have one or that it is not a home studio. Their address should be listed so you can verify the location too.

Strong Areas of Expertise

The Light Committee is well equipped for all types of photo shoots and video productions. As a result, actors can get commercial looks, theatrical looks, cinematic looks, or comedic looks, and more. Business professionals are also not limited to a single type of light setup as there are more than enough studio lights for any type of shoot. The studio also does natural light shots for those that prefer that look.

Please contact the studio any time with any questions or to discuss your goals in a photo shoot. This is especially preferred if you technical requirements to meet or are just trying to figure out a location shoot. In Glendale, there are a few good spots to do a photo shoot.

Brand Park

1601 W Mountain St, Glendale, CA 91201

Tip: Only do small one-on-one shoots here. Part of the park is only open for a small number of hours and it is a good part for photos. Scout the area first, if you can.

Verdugo Park

1621 Canada Blvd, Glendale, CA 91208

Tip: According to a Metro communications specialist, the station is okay with photography indoors, even with flash.

Downtown Glendale

222 N Orange St, Glendale, CA 91203

Tip: Park at the Orange St structure linked above. Parking is relatively low cost here and you can then easily get to Brand Blvd to shoot there and on side streets.

Glendale, CA, known as the Jewel City